Poetry, poems (kavita in hindi) is a form of literature which is used to express meaningful thoughts, mostly in rhythmic manner. Poems have always played a crucial and important role in saying and expressing thought provoking words of wisdom. And if you love poems then we have the best of motivational poems in Hindi and English that you can learn and get inspired from.

Poems and poetry has a very long history, and there have been number of famous poets in different languages around the world. Their poems and teaching are still relevant and loved by thousands of people.
Reading poems can be seriously important, as it helps us widen our horizon and look at the world from a different perspective. Motivational poems can help you get motivated, love poems can help you to express your love for someone nicely, and similarly poems and poetry for students can helps them learn how to live a life that is ideal and inspiring for others.
Whether you are finding it hard to get through a setback, or you feel overwhelmed about a situation, reading motivational and inspiring poems can help you to bounce back and go strong.
And we strongly believe that poems can be life changing, and it can help you stay motivated and inspired always. Here we are compiling the best of motivational and inspirational poems in Hindi and English for you to learn, and get motivated and inspired.
Irrespective of whether you are a student, professional, entrepreneur, if you are looking for the best of inspirational and motivational poems in Hindi and English languages then we have got you covered.
Check out some of the best and new motivational poems in Hindi and Poems in English about life, poems about love, poems on mother and father, poems about life and other topics.
Feel free to explore the collection of best motivational poems collection in Hindi and English, and don’t forget to share the poems if you like them.
संत कबीर दास जी का जन्म लहरतारा (बनारस) में एक मुस्लिम परिवार में हुआ था। पेशे से कबीर दास जी जुलाहे का काम करते थे। कशी घाट के श्री रामानंद जी, संत कबीर दस जी के गुरु थे । संत कबीर ने धर्म के झूठे आडंबरों का भरपूर व...
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कहते हैं मेहनत सी किए गए कर्म का फल मीठा होता है - लेकिन क्या सिर्फ मेहनत करने से अच्छा फल मिल जाता है ? मैं नहीं मानता। मुझे लगता है, की अच्छा फल तभी मिलता है जब आपका कर्म सच्चा होता है। बेशक, मेहनत एक जरुरी फैक्टर है, ले...
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दोस्तों बेटियां ना होतीं तो शायद कुछ भी ना होता। और आज की कविता जिसे श्री आदित्य मिश्रा जी ने लिखा है - ये समर्पित हैं भारत की सभी बहनों और बेटियों को।
तो आइये पढ़ते हैं इस बेहतरीन हि...
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दोस्तों, हम सब कभी न कभी ऐसे दौर से गुजरते हैं जहाँ हमें सब कुछ हाथ से जाता हुआ दिखाई देता है, और ऐसा लगने लगता है मनो अब हम कुछ कर नहीं सकते। हम निराश और परेशान हो कर बैठ जाते हैं। लेकिन हक़ीक़त ये है की निराश होकर बैठ जाने से क...
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